Tuesday, March 17, 2015

SEO Online BD Tutorials

seo online bd tutorials

  What is SEO ?

SEO stands for search engine optimization.

Search Engines:

Internet has many search engines. such as :

  • http://www.Google.com
  • http://www.Bing.com
  • http://www.yahoo.com
 These search engines are popular in over the world. Besides these , many other search engines are in the internet. People always search their required topic in google or other search engines of internet.


  • SEO is a technique for improving the ranking of a web site on search engine result pages(SERPs) of web search engine.
  • SEO is the process for web publishing to increase webpage visibility and traffic
  • SEO is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of the traffic that you earn through the organic results in search engines
  • SEO mainly two types:

    1. On-page search engine optimization.
    2. Off-page search engine optimization
My Youtube Channel Video " What is SEO "
