Dofollow backlink is a valuable topic for SEO.
You can identify the Link whether it is a dofollow or nofollow ?
Click here for watching my YouTube Video about " Dofollow Backlink"This is my SEO Bangla video tutorial in YouTube Channel.
You will get good concept form HTML simple code about dofollow link.
That is , a Attribute 'REL' under TAG '<a>'.
At first , you put your cursor pointer over the link which you want to identify.
Then click on right button. From dropdown menu you click on "Inspect Element(Q)".
Now the following code will be displayed:
For dofollow Link: you will see ;
1. <a href="" rel="dofollow"> Anchor Text</a>
2. <a href="" rel="external"> Anchor Text</a>
3. <a href="" > Anchor Text</a>
On the other hand , For nofollow Link: you will see ;
1. <a href="" rel="nofollow"> Anchor Text</a>
2. <a href="" rel="external nofollow"> Anchor Text</a>
If there is no mention 'rel' attribute under TAG <a> then it is dofollow Link.
On the other hand, 'Rel=nofollow' attribute must be mentioned under TAG <a> for nofollow link.